Georgia's Online Cancer Information Center

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Cancer Center at DeKalb Medical Center

Dekalb Medical Cancer Center is accredited by the Commission on Cancer of the American College of Surgeons as a community hospital comprehensive oncology program and is accredited by the American College of Radiology (ACR). As an affiliate member of Augusta University's Georgia Cares Minority Underserved National Cancer Institute of Community Oncology Research Program (Georgia Cares MU NCORP), a program initiated by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) to provide community hospitals access to a wide range of clinical research studies, Dekalb Medical offers an array of clinical trials. DeKalb Medical is also a member of the Georgia CORE Research Network, a statewide network of academic and community-based oncologists and researchers. The center is also a recipient of the Georgia Cancer Coalition Distinguished Cancer Scholars Award, which supports leaders who are engaged in the most promising areas of cancer research. DeKalb Medical has four units specially designed to provide state-of-the-art clinical care to cancer patients. These include the specialized inpatient oncology unit; outpatient infusion center; radiation oncology center and comprehensive breast care center. They also offer genetic risk assessment services. Through cancer support groups, nutrition program, Return to Wellness program and the Hope and Healing program, Dekalb Medical provides several support systems to cancer patients and their families.

Treatment Sites in Georgia

**GeorgiaCancerInfo is not a medical practice. This is an informational web site provided by Georgia CORE, a nonprofit striving to provide current and comprehensive information on cancer care in Georgia through this website. If you find erroneous or missing information, please contact us.